Campaigns created on Sadaqah – Ummah Crowdfunding will need to fall into one of the below campaign categories to pass our initial screening checks.
Campaign Categories
Medical Aid
Ensuring life continues and people remain healthy by providing medical treatment to those who don’t have access to medical treatment or those who cannot afford it.
Providing different types of education to assist people in becoming self-sustainable, granting more opportunities to people and assisting people to learn essential knowledge and life skills.
Housing and shelter
Accommodating and housing those who do not have a roof over their head.
Mosques / Place of Worship
Building mosques, prayer facilities in areas which have no prayer facilities. This also includes funding the maintenance of mosques.
Taking care of orphans by funding their development and care.
Feeding the needy, poor and those who have a shortage of food.
Disaster relief
Assisting those who are stranded and stuck in emergency and disaster situations whether its warzones or natural disasters.
Poverty relief
Assisting the poor and needy with basic essentials and services.
Economic empowerment
Assisting the poor and needy in becoming self-sustainable and growing out of the poverty cycle.
Sustainable development
Environment-friendly development of individuals and communities.
Women Empowerment
Women empowerment by assisting single parent, widows and with special needs. We empower women through sustainability projects.
Water for Life
Assisting rural communities with water for life projects; drilling and repairing boreholes; sanitization and wudhu areas, irrigation projects for sustainable farming.