Alhamdulillah – together as an Ummah we did it once again. We achieved 91% on this crowdfunding campaign goal to provide solar power electricity to remote rural health clinics in Chad.
In Chad, 350,000 people die every single year from starvation and hunger. On average only 10 medical staff work in a single hospital and there is a shortage of qualified medical assistance.
Our project was all about helping the remote health clinics in Chad that do not have access to running electricity and are therefore unable to provide medical care after sunset.
We thank you for your valuable contribution to this campaign “Solar Power for Remote Health Clinic in Chad“
Donations from this Medical Aid Campaign enabled us to buy solar panels and battery packs that will produce power to help the doctors and medical staff see at night and provide the necessary medical assistance.
We want to thank Techno Sharks (Team of three kids from the UK named Ibrahim Choksy (11), Yasin Sheikh (10) and Younis Naeem (11)) for organizing this crowdfunding campaign. For more updates on this campaign, please visit the campaign page.